
Maybe it is human nature when we fix to a certain way of doing things we do not want to change. The thought of discarding the energy we used so far seems too much. We would prefer to continue, as we are, with improvements. In other words, try to make it work. There are many ways to do things; and we like the one that is working for us — our familiar way.Read more

Feelings or Facts?

[vc_row padding_top=”0px” padding_bottom=”0px”][vc_column fade_animation_offset=”45px” width=”1/1″][text_output]It is often said that girls are emotional and they, “wear their hearts on their sleeves.” A phrase which means their hearts are exposed and easily bruised. But it’s not just girls, guys have emotions too, they are just poor at expressing them. All of us get hurt and have to […]

I Am Sorry!

Apologising is rarely easy. In many cases, the words associated with apologies end us another cliche. You know, like, “How are you doing?” People ask but never wait for a response. Relationships of whatever kind will produce arguments. Both sides are insisting that they are right and the other is wrong. However, when the truth comes, apologising is difficult, and it is rare to find a heart that is genuinely apologetic.Read more

The Perfectionist Disease

We can all agree that nobody likes to stress. If we had a choice we would want everything to flow smoothly. We see it in some movies and laugh. Everybody loves each other, and suddenly everybody knows the song or all the moves to the dance perfectly. However, the real world is far from perfect, it rarely ever goes like that: movie characters are extremely lucky, or it is just not real.Read more

Is Arguing Okay?


Arguments are normal, and they happen to everyone. From siblings to spouses, with enemies and friends. However, they are more painful when it’s with people we care about, especially when it is someone we spend a lot of time with. Oftentimes we conclude that if they change it would be so much better. Yes, that’s right: if THEY change. Clearly, THEY are the problem, and we are doing our best..Read more

What Is True Love?

LOVE: it is the substance of music, poetry and drama. Wars have been fought for it and people have chosen to die for lack of it. It is regarded as the cure for pain and misery; a tonic that lifts our lives to heavenly bliss. When we separate fantasy and reality, we find that most people do not understand this common emotion.Read more

Does Everybody Have to like Me?

Do you feel like you need the approval of the people around you all the time? In school, we were in constant competition to be the top of the class, secretly envying the persons getting the recognition.Read more

Rediscovering Patience

Patience and prudence are much more rewarding, physically and mentally. We need to rediscover the satisfaction that comes with waiting. Patience will also minimize stress caused by the silly mistakes we make through careless and impulsive actions.Read more

Disabled Heart = Disabled Life

Every human being is born with some incapacity; we all come up short in some way: it is a fact of life. There are some who are visibly disabled physically or mentally, and these persons generate sympathy from those who see them. Other people have handicaps that are not immediately obvious, but are rooted in their heart and how they perceive the world and themselves.Read more

The New Year’s Resolution Trap

It’s that time year again when people start to make…resolutions. Promises to themselves that they will change, be different in the new year. It has become something like a tradition, and many of us are guilty of falling into the New Year’s resolution trap. Time has just given birth to a new year, and most of us are in good spirits, especially after the holiday feasting. The desire to change bad habits and maintain this high instinctively pops up.Read more


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