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It’s that time year again when people start to make…resolutions. Promises to themselves that they will change, be different in the new year. It has become something like a tradition, and many of us are guilty of falling into the New Year’s resolution trap. Time has just given birth to a new year, and most of us are in good spirits, especially after the holiday feasting. The desire to change bad habits and maintain this high instinctively pops up.
How many times have you said to yourself, “It’s time for a change?” It’s an attractive proposition, NEW YEAR, NEW ME. The million-dollar question is, how many of these resolutions have moved from wishes to reality? Psychology Professor, John C. Norcross of the University of Scranton identified that the average person fulfils less than 10% of the New Year’s resolution they make. Let’s consider why that is so.
As we pointed out, these resolutions focus on changing bad old habits. Let’s say we were eating too late at night and it is affecting our health; this year we want to take a healthier path. Sounds reasonable but we often forget something critical. Changing a habit has to start with understanding what causes it. Perhaps we eat too late because we make poor dietary choices during the day and don’t prepare a healthy way to fight late night hunger pangs.
Our good intention is not enough. In a large mall, we won’t find the store we’ve been looking for without discovering exactly where we are first. We may be staring at the map prepared by the mall and seeing where we want to go, but the most precious information that chart provides is,” YOU ARE HERE.” Once our location becomes clear, the rest becomes easier.
Let’s end our year 2017 with reflection, identifying what we could have done differently and simply identifying where we are. Then, we can chart a course to a new destination this year. Blindly saying we want to go to THAT PLACE is meaningless if we don’t know where we are. Knowing our location is the first step to reaching our destination. We want a positive outlook at the start of the year, excellent! But let’s use this time to reflect on our stumbles during the previous year and plan our path from there.
Happy New Year!
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