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Trust is not something that comes easy for most. They say even young babies are constantly checking who to trust and as we grow we start to decide whether we should trust people. People will naturally disappoint each other and so many of us have either been disappointed or had our trust abused at some point in our lives. That has left us with the only one we can surely trust…ourselves.

There is one person who will never disappoint, that is me. Nowadays it is an accepted thing to trust no-one. People seem programmed to let us down one way or another. Popular Jamaican artiste Vybz Kartel put that thought to music in a hit song called, “Mi kyaan trust people,” (meaning, I can’t trust people).  It seems so much safer to trust myself. You may ask what’s the problem with that?

Let’s talk about a parent and child. If there is no trust between them, this child can never follow the guidance of his/her parents. Their decisions will be only be based on their best calculations with our limited data. What about when they start having difficulties beyond their ability to calculate? Here, they should rely on the love, care and experience of their parents. However, without trust in the heart of their parents, they must manage the situation alone.

Moreover, who has disappointed us more than ourselves? Haven’t we trust ourselves with every decision including who to trust? We are just biased against others and towards ourselves. For a critical matter, there should be someone whose option we value more than our own based viewpoint. That personal bias is why we really can’t manage by ourselves. No matter how much we may can, that view will always be biased.

If the only opinion we trust is our own, what if we don’t have accurate information. Won’t we be biased towards what we like, and against what we hate? How can we know the truth if we don’t have a voice that is free from that bias? How can people in a contest trust the judge to be fair, when his child is a fellow contest? How we trust our opinion about herself, we all need an unbiased opinion.

Search your heart and ask yourself, “Can I really trust my own opinion about me?” “Shouldn’t there be someone else that I can trust?”

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