Developing a Strong and Healthy Mindset


July 16, 2020

Have you ever thought about how healthy your mind is? It is usually much easier to see and take care of our physical health, but the health of our minds is intangible and often neglected. However, it is important that we realize that the health of our bodies and the health of our minds are equally important. A strong and healthy mindset is necessary in order to overcome the many challenges that we encounter. As such, Episode 7 of the IYF Youth Talk Show explored the topic “Developing a Strong and Healthy Mindset”.

The Guest Panelist, Roshelle Pinnock, is a Digital Strategist and Agile Coach, who has represented youths locally and internationally in the areas of technology, climate change and peace building. Roshelle has a strong desire to help people and make life better in her country and region. She shared that our mindset is the greatest asset we can have and the one thing that propels us to make whatever change we want in our lives. Also, clearly knowing or defining who you are, where you want to go and how you will get there, helps to shape one’s mindset and forms the foundation for them to overcome difficulties.

when our hearts are weak, we cannot overcome anything, so we experience hurt and pain very easily, leading to a lot of complications in the heart.

The Guest Speaker, Professor Jae-Hong Kim, President of the Mind Education Institute and Pastor of the Good News Mission Incheon Church, South Korea, shared about the diseases of the heart, which is fundamentally formed from having a weak mindset. That is, when our hearts are weak, we cannot overcome anything, so we experience hurt and pain very easily, leading to a lot of complications in the heart. In order to develop strong minds we have to change the way that we think. We have to learn to confront the difficulties and hardships we encounter, instead of avoiding and running away from them. The types of difficulties that we face are environmental, circumstantial and interpersonal. As we overcome them one by one, our hearts become stronger and stronger.

As youths, and even youth leaders, there are many situations and problems that we face. Without a strong and healthy mindset to break through the barriers of the situations, we would surely fail.

Join us next week on The IYF Youth Talk Show as we continue unravelling the pathway to developing a strong and healthy mindset.


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