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  • Date July 27 (Mon) – 30 (Thu)
  • Ages Middle School and Up
  • Fee $50 (USD) *Early Bird Price $40 (Valid Until 7/17)
  • Program Academy, Leadership
  • Speaker, Mind Lecture, Group activities, Performance
  • Contact 888-634-8436

Here’s how the schedule   


IYF Online World Camp is a jam-packed 4-day program with lunch and dinner breaks during the day because #CampersGottaEat. And don’t forget to check back because we are updating the schedule as we confirm new IYF Academies and Leadership Speakers every day. Sign up for Camp and get all your updates via e-mail.

Join Our 2020 Event

we're going digital

At IYF USA, nothing stops us from opening, connecting, and changing. We may not be able to meet in person, but the 2020 IYF Online World Camp is an exciting opportunity to experience IYF in a brand-new way.

And we got you covered—you’ll still get the same exciting IYF academies, show-stopping dances and music, and life-changing talks that will help you navigate your heart when you’re feeling overwhelmed. So, get set up, log on to IYF Online World Camp, and see the World Connected together.


This year’s Camp is a little different since we can’t be physically together. But the great news is you’ll have even more opportunities to listen, learn, dance, and share your heart. For the 2020 IYF Online World Camp program, we are going all out through Zoom meetings, YouTube Live events, and more to bring you all the content you need.



Seasoned professionals from around the US will introduce you to a variety of fun topics that you can participate in from home. Discover your passion and maybe even a career. It’s time to level up!


we'd love to have your feedback on your experience so far

Email and password will be your login for the sessions.

* This section is mandatory for persons under 18 and optional for 18 and over.
Which programmes are you interested in?
How did you hear about the World Camp?

Please carefully read the information below

The registration for the 2020 Online IYF World Camp has been officially closed. However if you are really interested in participating in the camp please call +1 876 457-5294 to make arrangements.

Registration Successful

You have successfully registered for the K-Fest event. You will receive an email with further information.