[vc_row padding_top=”0px” padding_bottom=”0px”][vc_column fade_animation_offset=”45px” width=”1/1″ id=”” class=”post-content” style=””][text_output]Do you sometimes wish that there was a machine that could decode people’s feelings? One that looks beyond words and decodes the intentions beneath? Wouldn’t that be great? Many misunderstandings occur because we expect the other person to understand the intent behind our words and actions. One classic example is the expression, “I’m fine”. These seemingly plain words carry a lot of weight, but when converted, “I’m fine” could actually mean many different things. Unfortunately, we use these words expecting that other person will decipher them and know that we are actually miserable. In our minds, it should be obvious that we are, although we just said “we are fine“, quite the opposite.

Elizabeth Fowler coined the term “Curse of Knowledge” in in 1990. It describes when we know something and assumes that everyone else should know as well. Once we think it is “common knowledge”, it becomes really difficult to accept that other people don’t know. This is where the communication block is created and problems arise. Many times we get caught by the curse of Knowledge, then we get frustrated by the ignorance or apparent stubbornness of others. Then, without realising it, we without acknowledging it, chase away people around us instead of opening our hearts.

Instead of expressing the true state of our heart, we end up giving vague and unclear answers thinking it is full information. True communication happens when our hearts are connected. Just as water flows through pipes, words are just a vehicle to transfer the heart. Closed hearts are unable to communicate.

For true communication to happen, our hearts first needs to open and connect.
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