[vc_row padding_top=”0px” padding_bottom=”0px”][vc_column fade_animation_offset=”45px” width=”2/3″ id=”” class=”post-content” style=””][text_output]There was a student in a math class who was having difficulties in understanding algebra. When he looked around, all his friends were understanding and answering questions. To avoid looking foolish, he pretended as if he was following. It continued like this until the student eventually failed this class. Many times in our lives we avoid asking questions or even seeking help in order not to look foolish. This is how we live normally.
People insist on maintaining their image at all cost because they do not want to appear helpless and weak. This is our pride. The struggle begins when we want to protect this pride even at the expense of getting the help we truly need; just like this boy. However, this position makes it very difficult for us to receive help from others. By holding onto our pride, we are actually resisting the help that is usually readily available.
What is YOUR pride preventing you from receiving?[/text_output][share title=”Share this Post” facebook=”true” twitter=”true” google_plus=”true” linkedin=”true” pinterest=”true” reddit=”true” email=”true” id=”” class=”” style=””][/vc_column][vc_column fade_animation_offset=”45px” width=”1/3″][ultimate_heading main_heading=”Recent Posts” alignment=”left” main_heading_font_size=”desktop:20px;” main_heading_font_family=”font_family:Oswald|font_call:Oswald”][/ultimate_heading][recent_posts type=”post” count=”4″ orientation=”vertical” fade=”true” offset=”” category=”” id=”” class=”” style=””][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row padding_top=”0px” padding_bottom=”0px”][vc_column fade_animation_offset=”45px” width=”1/1″][vc_raw_html]JTNDc3R5bGUlM0UlMEEuZW50cnktdGh1bWIlMjBpbWclMjAlN0IlMEElMjAlMjAlMjAlMjBtYXgtaGVpZ2h0JTNBJTIwNDAwcHglM0IlMEElN0QlMEElMEEucG9zdC1jb250ZW50JTIwJTdCJTBBJTIwJTIwJTIwJTIwdGV4dC1hbGlnbiUzQSUyMGp1c3RpZnklM0IlMEElMjAlMjAlMjAlMjB0ZXh0LWp1c3RpZnklM0ElMjBpbnRlci13b3JkJTNCJTBBJTdEJTBBJTNDJTJGc3R5bGUlM0U=[/vc_raw_html][/vc_column][/vc_row]
As I was reading this , I started to think about my life and how much help i have miss because i dont want to look weak and helpless infront of people.
It’s Like am reading about myself, Struggling with things I can’t handle Rather than asking for HELP. So Rather than paying to Learn the Hard way by Pride, Just Ask for HELP.