DECEMBER 13 - 21

The 2019 IYF Christmas Concert Tour started with a bang on December 13 in Portmore and continued for 9 days, covering 8 cities/towns. The team of dancers, singers, actors, and backstage crew moved from venue to venue, spreading the good news of the birth of Jesus Christ. Through captivating songs, dances and drama, they presented an unforgettable and heartwarming Christmas gift to over 1200 spectators.

Portmore, Kingston, Ocho Rios, Oracabessa, Port Antonio, Montego Bay, Santa Cruz and Mandeville were among the 8 cities/towns served. Each city had its unique energy and culture but the common thing was the enjoyment of the audience, regardless of age group. Children, youth, adults and seniors came to see the show at each location. Pastors, guidance counsellors and ambassadors were also among the list of special guests.

The event was also perceived by many to have a positive impact on youth development, as it gives them a chance to express themselves through different art forms; and to learn technical skills that they otherwise would not be exposed to…

Young people were especially enthralled by the show exclaiming that it was like nothing they had seen before. Calling it energetic, fun and showcasing performances from different cultures, many concluded that the show had a positive impact on the youth. Most of the performers were also youth, so attendees saw their peers expressing themselves through different art forms and learning technical skills they would otherwise miss.

Commendation for the professionalism of the entire team was consistent at the various venues as well. Many applauded the excellent performances with special mention of the superb acting and stage management. Crowd favourites were the Jamaica dance, ‘Bring the Beat’ by the Righteous Star Dancers and song ‘Total Praise’ by the Good News Chorale.

Another highlight was the play, “Anna.” It clearly struck a chord as well, with many acknowledging how much they took for granted: both loved ones and their circumstance. The message was clear, Christmas is not just about sharing material things, it is also a time for reconnecting with our loved ones.

The main event for the IYF was the Christmas message by the IYF Director, Pastor Jacob Lim. It was a simple message of hope that had many nodding in agreement and thankful for the Gift of The Christ Child. Using practical scenarios, he reminded everyone that the ultimate gift of God was the redemption that came through Jesus Christ. By the offering of The Body if His Son, God made us clean and one with Him.
The 2019 Christmas Concert Tour was spectacular and impactful for volunteers, staff and audience alike. The excitement has already begun with many saying they can’t wait for when the show returns next year. To quote one patron: “It reminded me of what I have forgotten, the TRUE meaning of Christmas and I was very happy! I can’t wait to see it again next year with my friends who missed it this time.”

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