There are so many of us that couldn’t wait until we became 18 years old to enjoy the freedom of doing what we want to do. However, when we arrived and started living our own lives, we are faced with some unexpected challenges and we realize that it’s much harder than we thought.
Using the story of The Prodigal Son from Luke 15, The Guest Speaker for Episode 3 of the IYF Youth Talk Show, Pastor Garfield Garvey elaborated on the meaning of true freedom. As illustrated by the story, true freedom is not simply doing what we want when we want to; but it is obtained when we live together with the Father under his guidance. This Father can be God our Father, our parents, our mentors etc. Through their guidance we can truly live happily, being free from the consequences of our actions.
This Father can be God our Father, our parents, our mentors etc. Through their guidance we can truly live happily, being free from the consequences of our actions.
During the Break-out Room Session discussion, many of the participants shared that they could identify very well with the Speaker’s message. One student in particular shared about her experience while participating in an overseas student-exchange programme. At first, she was looking forward to the freedom she would have by being alone and being able to fulfill her desires. However, she later realized how difficult it was to manage on her own, and she really started to miss her family and friends. She also realized that she was not getting the satisfaction that she expected to gain from being free to do as she wanted.
Like this, there are many youths who left the Talk Show with a different perspective about freedom; many shared similar experiences as the Speaker and many were thankful that they could hear such words of wisdom. As we continue to share with youths from various countries and all walks of life on a weekly basis, it is amazing to see how change and hope are inspired in their hearts. We hope that this continues to guide them as their lives unfold.
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